
Your Wedding Day Survival Kit.

  1. Water - It's important to stay hydrated, especially during an outdoor wedding.
  2. Chapstick - Nothing worse than having chapped lips during your First Kiss.
  3. Clear Umbrella - Hopefully it won't rain, but in case it does a clear umbrella is a fantastic prop to use during pictures.
  4. Blotting Tissues - Because sweat and makeup don't play nice. 
  5. Extra Makeup - Ask your Makeup Artist for a touch up kit to use after the ceremony.
  6. Fabric Tape - Great to repair small rips and tears, or to fix things that aren't fitting quite right.
  7. Sunglasses - Because you should always look cool.
  8. Snacks - It's your big day, you're nervous and you probably haven't eaten all day. Grab a granola bar or some snack packs. Also, alcohol and and empty stomach don't play well.
  9. Stain Stick - The Tide to Go Stick is perfect for keeping that dress white.
  10. Hair Spray - For that one piece of hair that never wants to cooperate.
  11. Baby Powder - Perfect for absorbing sweat. And for the Guys, this.
  12. Acetaminophen - Perfect for headaches and pain, plus it's easier on the stomach.
  13. Lint Roller - Lint, dirt and pet fur don't belong on your clothes.
  14. Sunscreen - Because you don't want to be burned during your honeymoon!
  15. Lotion - Keeps the skin nice and smooth.
  16. Blister Treatment - Don't let a blister keep you off the dance floor!
  17. Black Socks - It happens more often than not, that someone will forget their dress socks.
  18. Lighter - Great for burning off extra strings or frayed edges.
  19. White Chalk - If that stain won't come out, use this instead!
  20. Q-Tips - Not just for the ears, but great for touching up make up.
  21. Wet Wipes - In case you need a quick freshening up.
  22. Allergy Medicine - April in Virginia is no joke. You don't want red eyes and runny noses during your wedding.
  23. Mints - Essential for that first kiss!
  24. Eye Drops - Maybe your eyes are red from crying all day. Or maybe you may have had too much fun during the rehearsal. Either way this is perfect for clearing up those red eyes.
  25. Hand Sanitizer - I suggest skipping the receiving line, but if you still want to have one it would be a good idea to keep one of these nearby after all that hand shaking.
  26. Clear Nail Polish - Perfect for fixing nails, runs in stockings and fixing buttons.
  27. Tweezers - To keep those eyebrows fresh.
  28. Nail Clippers . To keep those nails trim.
  29. Bug Spray - Much needed for outdoor weddings. Your guests will thank you!
  30. Bobby Pins - Can you ever have enough of these?
  31. Tissues - Do these need an explanation?
  32. Deodorant - Because sweat can smell. And you don't want to smell on your wedding day.
  33. Antacid - Get that nervous stomach under control
  34. Pantyhose - An extra pair just in case, and for guys it's great for shining your shoes.
  35. Scissors - for hair, hems, and strings
  36. Corsage Pins - It's always a good idea to keep extra of these on hand since they tend to bend and break easily.
  37. Heel Stoppers - So you don't get stuck in the mud during your outdoor wedding.
  38. Tampons - Hopefully you won't need these, but best not to take a chance.


How to Prepare for your Engagement Photos


Engagement Photos

You have chosen your wedding date, venue and most of your vendors. Now it’s time to mark one more thing off your checklist, your engagement photos!

One of the questions I get asked a lot is “What advice do you have for our session?” Here are some of my tips to rock your Engagement Session.


  • Dress Comfortable - Wear outfits that you would normally wear and accent your style and personality.  We may be doing a bit of walking, so if you plan on wearing uncomfortable heels for the picture I suggest bringing some comfortable shoes to change in to.
  • Complement Each Other - Avoid wearing the same color shirts or matching outfits.  Avoid solid colors like red, yellow and green as they can cast that color on your skin.  If one of you is wearing a shirt with print, then I suggest the other wear a solid color.
  • Bring a change of clothes - Feel free to bring a set of casual clothes to start the shoot, and then go more formal later on.  It is a great way to get a variety of looks during the shoot.


  • Pick a location that is special to both of you. Maybe it’s where he proposed. How about where you went on your first date? Do you like the mountains and hiking? Do you have a favorite winery? 
  • When thinking about locations, think about what it looks like during sunset. We will begin our session 2 hours before sunset so we can take your pictures during the beautiful Golden Hour, that one hour before sunset where the light is redder and softer and gives everything a golden look.
  • Feel free to think outside the box on this one. It’s important to me that I tell YOUR story! With that in mind, I am always happy to help you both come up with different ideas.


  • The engagement session is a chance for us to get to know one another. Think of the first 5-10 minutes as a warm up, where we shake off our nerves and get comfortable. After that it’s game on! 
  • These pictures are meant to show the real you! I am not into fake poses and instead like to have my couples interact and even play games with each other.
  • Have a drink before the shoot. You would be amazed at how much even one drink can calm down the nerves. Just don’t go overboard!

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